The team behind Sagacity

With over 40 years of tech, finance and startup experience, we're passionately reimagining the way founders and VCs succeed, together.
Maggie Shen
Maggie Shen
Maggie brings a wealth of experience from diverse teams across marketing, engineering, QA, and product management. For Sagacity, Maggie leads the development of Dispatch, and uses her curiosity and love of challenging the status quo to remove the tedium of cleaning and parsing data from VC's inboxes. Maggie holds a computer science degree from the University of Waterloo and an MBA from Yale. Outside of work, you can often find Maggie behind a boat on a wakeboard, bravely attempting to conquer the waves and enjoying every splash-filled moment.
Brad Dunson
Co-founder and CTO
Brad Dunson
Brad brings 15+ years experience building software for enterprise functions. Most recently, he worked with startups to design, build and distribute their first product. When not working, Brad can be found drinking coffee, making naturally leavened loaves or exploring new cities with his family.
Tyler Senecal
Founder & CEO
Tyler Senecal
Tyler’s passion for solving problems has led to a career founding companies and organizations that support founders. Prior to Sagacity, he was the founding director of entrepreneurship & innovation at a top 100 liberal arts college. Tyler is a semi-retired skydiver as well as a mediocre enthusiast of running, hiking, rock climbing and snowboarding.